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Kids Love Music sponsors Josh West to Rock Camp 2020

Kids Love Music Charitable Trust was delighted to be able to support Josh West of Wakefield school in his attendance at Rock Camp 2020. Here’s what he had to say about his experience…

Rock Camp

By Josh West

As I clapped my drumsticks together…1, 2, 3, 4 our band ‘The Demented Seagulls’ started to play. The curtains pulled and the lights glared at us on stage, I realised I didn’t feel too nervous. We were the first act of Rock Camp 2020.
Rock Camp was held in the first week of the school holidays at the Playhouse Theatre Cafe. I joined 14 other kids aged between 9-16 years who play music from different schools. This year there were five drummers, including me which was a record. We were all divided into groups and worked on creating an original song as well as practicing existing songs.
After five days’ worth of working together we finished the camp with a concert that our family and friends could watch. It was an awesome feeling playing on stage in a band and I will be going back for Rock Camp next year.
A special thanks to Wayne Densem who generously sponsored me to attend Rock Camp.

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